Post Care



- no makeup is to be worn around your brows for the next five days.

 - apply supplied after care cream very sparingly 2-3 times a day, , use a clean q-tip each time you put some on.

 - brows will get itchy. do not touch with your fingers, use a clean q-tip and gently press down

 - no swimming , sun tanning, sauna, or sweating. showering is okay, but no direct pressure or soaking.




- don't use Latisse or other lash boosters for 3 weeks.

- use cold witch hazel on a cotton pad for 15 minute a few times a day.

- if you have increased redness after witch hazel, just stop using it.

- do not wear contacts for 24 hours.

- do not wear foundation or powder around your eyes.

- use a new mascara when you resume makeup after five days.

- your eyes will appear puffy - like you were crying, but if they are super puffy, you may be sensitive to the after care cream.

 - put on your supplied after care cream sparingly 2-3 times a day.

Pre Care



- if you like come with brows drawn on how you like them

- come fully hydrated , really helps with pigment retention '

- avoid alcohol, vitamin E, Ginko Biloba, limit coffee and aspirin.

- no tinting, waxing, or tweezing for 48 hours before.

- do not come with a noticeable tan.

- stop using Retin A 4 weeks prior to appt.

- we do not tattoo trendy brows, just what fits your face.



- do not come with lash extensions or false lashes.

- stop using Latisse or any lash boosters for 4 weeks.

- avoid alcohol, ginko biloba , aspirin ( unless prescribed).

- limit coffee the day of procedure.

- if you wear contacts, bring glasses the day of procedure do not wear contacts for 24 hours.

- have some witch hazel and cosmetic pads for after.

- do not tint lashes just prior to procedure.

- driving home is fine unless it's a longer distance, then have someone drive you.

- eyeliner will appear thicker and darker for the healing period.



Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long will a New Brow Procedure take?

A. The New Brow Procedure is booked for 2 hours, in which time we will fill out health info forms, go through a consultation, take a 'before photo', and apply topical numbing.

Q. Do I have to come in for a consultation prior to the procedure appointment?

A. No, I do same-day consultations. If you are more comfortable with a consultation in advance, you are more than welcome to book as such but with the inclusion of full colour sampling and brow drawing there is a $50 fee (which will be applied to your full service at the time of the procedure.)

Q. Does it hurt?

A. We use topical numbing to ensure minimal discomfort.

Q. Will you be shaving my brows off first?

A. No. It is more natural to have as much brow hair as possible.

Q. I'm pregnant, can I get my brows tattooed?

A. No, it's best to wait until after your baby is born.

Q. I have alopecia, will this work for me?

A. Absolutely, you are an ideal client.

Q. You did my brows about 6 years ago, is this still considered a new procedure?

A. Yes. You will require two appointments (initial, and follow-up)

Q. Someone else did my brows, but I am unhappy with them, can you fix them?

A. It's difficult to truly answer without first seeing them, but if I were able to take you on it would be as a new client and at the new procedure price point.

Q. Is the follow-up included in the price?

A. Yes, if you come within the 3 month period.